Jarrod Connolly

Digital Media Specialist

Ingredients: take a passion for computers, a talent for digital marketing, and award-winning skills as a commercial photographer, and you get ADsmith’s Digital Marketing Specialist, Jarrod Connolly

What truly sets Jarrod apart is his love for problem-solving and helping others achieve their goals. From unraveling complex tech challenges to capturing perfect moments through the lens, Jarrod’s journey is a captivating blend of art, technology, and making things just freaking work.

When Jarrod isn’t working he enjoys spending time with his wife and 4 kids, skating, and exploring online worlds with his son, Ryken. Destiny 2 is their favorite game at the moment.

Alma Mater

Missouri State University

Favorite Thing(s)

My Kids
Chinese Food


Video Games
Sci-Fi Anything

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