Amy Hietter

Director of Brand Strategy

Amy has nearly 20 years of extensive marketing experience working with a wide range of clientele from local and regional businesses to global brands. Amy leads our clients with a strong foundation in strategic thought and creative solutions to produce accountable results. And can we just talk about how Amy is one of the most positive people you will ever meet? Amy elevates our team with her infectious energy along with an intense drive to create the best possible work for our clients.

Amy earned her Bachelor of Science in Communication from Missouri State University with a minor in Psychology. She was born and raised in Springfield and is committed to giving back to our local community, serving multiple local nonprofits over the years.

When Amy is not brainstorming in front of a whiteboard, you’ll find her working out- this crazy lady wakes up at 3:30am to go to the gym. She also occasionally moonlights as a vocalist in a 70’s cover band, but we’ll let you ask her about that.

Alma Mater

Missouri State University

Favorite Thing(s)

A Weekend with No Plans


"Trash Art"

More of Our Family