Chelsea Sisk

Account Supervisor

Chelsea is excited to make ADsmith her professional home following a successful nine-year career at Bass Pro Base Camp, which includes five years as Marketing Program Manager. At ADsmith, she looks to build strong relationships with both clients and team members. Chelsea has a deep passion for small businesses and recognizes the tremendous impact their success has on the 417 community.

Raised on a cattle farm in southwest Missouri, Chelsea learned the importance of hard work early on. She stayed local for college, attending College of the Ozarks, where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing. It was during this time she met her husband, Shannon. Together, they are raising two daughters, Vivian and Violet, who are already showing their fierce and adventurous spirits.

Outside of work, Chelsea enjoys spending time with her family, supporting local businesses, and pursuing outdoor activities like running, hiking, and camping. She also loves to curl up with a good book whenever she has the chance.

Alma Mater

College of the Ozarks

Favorite Thing(s)

Family, Local Business, Good Books


Running, Hiking, Camping

More of Our Family