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Professional Photography – Marketing Minute

Today, we’re discussing professional photography. We’ve all heard that “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Right now, when “content is key”, the voice of a picture is heard very loudly. It sets the tone for your website, social media, and brand. With pictures being so important, a professional photographer is a smart move.

Having a professional take high resolution photos makes your site more efficient and your business look more appealing and credible. For example – which picture would entice you to view the home depicted?

Action shots are better captured by a professional, with the skill and equipment – than on your smart phone. Professional photos will bring out the details that engage the user.

The larger, brighter images will draw a user’s attention and are of much higher quality. Websites today are highly responsive – they will scale to fit the viewing device, whether you’re on your desktop, tablet or smartphone – making image quality and resolution crucial.

Keep these tips in mind when building or re-building your brand and website.

Don’t forget – we’re here to help! Questions about professional photography and your business? Call ADsmith or contact us through our website,