Vertical Video – Marketing Minute

In today’s Marketing Minute, let’s talk about vertical video.  When phones became handy video cameras, we started seeing unusually tall videos – because of the way phones are held.

Vertical videos are usually shot by amateurs, and that’s not a bad thing.  It can give the video a sense of realism and credibility rather than a slick polished production by someone with an agenda. So, here are some tips to make the best use of vertical video.

Keep the most important thing centered in the screen. There’s not a lot of room on the sides to play with as in standard video. Also, use tighter shots and fewer panoramas, because details are harder to see on small mobile screens – so put the camera close and make it big.

Keep these things in mind and make tasteful, effective vertical video. The trends show that a viewer is more likely to watch a video to the end – if they don’t have to flip their phone sideways. If you have more questions about video, give ADsmith a call.