Case Study

Ozarks Legacy Law

Ozarks Legacy Law provides legal estate planning services in Southwest Missouri. They came to ADsmith seeking a more authentic voice for their brand after initially using an agency that provided generic “boxed marketing” for estate planning.


Provide a more authentic voice for their brand after initially using an agency that provided generic “boxed marketing” for estate planning.


ADsmith developed a plan to revamp all of Ozark Legacy Law’s marketing efforts.  This included a website refresh, ongoing organic social, and paid digital media. 

We developed a series of moving testimonial videos, allowing clients to share their experiences with David and his team. ADsmith launched the testimonial series on social media via paid ads and organic posts.  Additionally, we updated imagery to reflect real photos of the Ozarks and real customers. 


Ozarks Legacy Law had their best year yet, and the feedback they have received from the community has been incredible.