One of the questions we’ve encountered on more than one occasion involves branding vs marketing. What’s the difference? Which comes first? And is it really that important?
It is a universally acknowledged fact that marketing and advertising is replete with jargon. Sure, this is not exactly headline news – every industry has its own language – but since most businesses rely on marketing and advertising to survive, it’s more than a little crucial to know the definitions paired to our specific buzzwords.
If this mystery has cost you precious hours of sleep, never fear. ADsmith is here to break it down.
The phrase “on brand” has entered the public lexicon, and is used to remark upon behaviors, values, or experiences that are associated with anything from large corporations to individual people. When people talk about something being “on brand” for a business, that means that a set expectation was met.
But how do you determine what the brand is?
Every successful business has an origin story. A reason the founder, whether that is the current leadership or not, decided to chart their own path. This is the unique point of difference brought to customers and clients – it’s the soul of the business. All the things you want customers to associate with you.
Brands are delicate to build and important to nurture. Here are some things to keep in mind as you establish yours:
Who you are as a brand drives many things, including your creative decisions and the voice of the messaging. Are you earnest and empathetic? Playful and engaging? Focused and serious? Your brand’s tone will reflect directly into the content you create.
And now, the marketing side of marketing vs branding. It’s only after you have your personality defined and established that marketing comes into play. We now know who you are – marketing is the tool by which you get the message of your brand to your customers.
In other words, marketing is the news, and there are a lot of ways of getting it out.
So, there you have it. While branding and marketing are not synonymous, they do have a strongly symbiotic relationship. Branding defines the essence of your business or organization, and marketing is the strategy by which that essence is shared with your customers. One needs the other to succeed.
Ready to elevate your brand and drive impactful marketing strategies? Partner with ADsmith Marketing & Advertising for expert brand development and marketing services. We’ll get to the heart of your “why” (you do what you do), help you connect that to your definition of your “who” (you are as a business), and establish your “how” (to turn that message into success).
1200 E Woodhurst, S100
Springfield, MO 65804